In the beginning ... I bought the ring from a woman who sold
interesting items through my craft shop.
Back in the nineteen seventies, I ran the shop from my home in Robe, a tiny
seaside tourist town in South Australia, inhabited off peak by lobster fishermen.
The shop already existed at one side of the front door behind a long, deep
veranda. I loved that house.
A little bit of history: In the eighteen fifties, Chinese, working for
Chinese overlords as slave labor, landed in Robe to avoid tax, and then walked
across country to the Victorian goldfields. Their families were kept hostage
until they handed over their unearthed gold. The first owners of the house
built the shop to sell strips of dried meat, biltong, for the workers long

Anyway, back to the signet-style ring with a cabochon stone set in
heavy 24 carat gold. When I first saw it and gazed into the shimmering depths,
I fell in love and purchased the ring. A fault, hidden deep within the stone,
flashed to reveal a star if tilted a certain way. The finger shaft fascinated
me. Okay, this quality of gold is soft. But that didn't explain the two, jagged
cuts at one side. Didn't take much to set me wondering who or what made the
cuts and why. Obvious, really. Someone, intent on theft, cut the wearer's
finger off and removed the ring. This was priceless treasure. Mine.
And so my imagination worked on a story over two centuries. The story
expanded to three more and warped into four other novels about the future of
the ring.
Scene: Robe tourist bureau