In the space of a
week, my state of affairs has turned around. Let that be a lesson: the moment
will pass.
Now, I'm content.

The paperback
copies of my first book, Still Rock
Water have arrived and they look wonderful.
A member of staff
at the Hertfordshire library is considering three books for their stocks: the
former novel along with Wind Over
Troubled Waters and the second in the series I wrote with Edith Parzefall ,
Knights in Dark Leather.
And finally, a
friend put together a video for the song my character Liliha wrote in the novel,
Still Rock Water. My deepest thanks to
Rosalie Skinner, author of The
Chronicals of Caleath.
You can see the
video of Comic Book Story, the song here on YouTube. Wonderful.
The question is:
should circumstances affect our mood?