21 May 2012

Sand or ... a soul.

I've heard it said there are as many souls as grains of sand on a beach.

stones2131.jpg (633176 bytes)The constant movement of waves crashing on the beach grinds rock from large chunks, to pebbles and eventually grains of sand. Each grain nestles amongst other pieces and moves with the flow—sometimes shifting to another part of the coast, sometimes carted away by humans or blown on the wind as part of a desert. As far as we know, the grains don't think or feel.
On the other hand, the desire to survive and multiply governs humanity. With their different characteristics, some want to dominate others or kill them while others seek peace and harmony. Humans want to entertain, teach, heal, or occupy their mind, or work for their family. We're not satisfied to allow outside forces to toss us about amongst our fellows. Most of us strive to conquer some part of our personality. Some aim for perfection and to reach a higher goal than simple existence.
One thing is certain, humankind dies. Maybe their bones become grains of sand. Does our inner soul live on?


  1. I have to believe our inner soul lives on in some way.

  2. I really don't know what I believe, although I've written a couple of stories where ghosts share their stories.

  3. My son just asked me where the soul is a few days ago, and what it looks like - a very tough question to answer to a 6-yr.old. But yes, I'm a firm believer in the living soul.

  4. I totally believe a part of us moves on. I had an out-of-body experience once. Living on earth in a body is much tougher. ;)

  5. No clue, but I focus on living the best life I can. :)

  6. Just happened upon your lovely blog!

    I think of a person as a soul with a (temporary) body. When I die, I have no doubt that the real me will move on into eternity with Jesus. There's no fear of dying for me (I still fear the pain of dying, though!). I remember as a young woman, seeing my then recently departed grandma in her open casket. It confirmed what I had always believed. She wasn't there anymore.. her body was just a shell. The real her was gone. There is more to life than the here and now, I believe.

  7. It just can't all be random chemical reactions...in my opinion there has to be a soul

  8. I'd like to believe that our inner soul lives on, but I suppose it depends on how worn down it gets before we pass on.

  9. "Matter can neither be created nor destroyed" and there are so many forms of matter and energy that we know nothing about - why not a soul after death, even if we don't know what form it takes?

  10. I have to believe that souls do live on, and that our loved ones are watching over us. Julie

  11. I believe it moves on to everlasting life. I nominated your for an award today on my site, Francene

  12. Interesting piece, Francene. I believe our souls live on.


Please tell me what YOU think.