9 Apr 2012

A - Z Writing Challenge: I

The letter for today is: I, where I feature information and iceberg.

As a writer, I need to attract readers for my books. With all the changes in the technical world, and the drastic alterations in the publishing business, an author needs information on how to set up their website. But all the information available won't explain how to build, or why we need, a widget, if our minds can't grasp the concept.
However, I'm persistent. I guess I'll work out what I need eventually, rather than nibble on an iceberg lettuce.
The iceberg is my favorite variety. Sweet and crunchy, the leaves far surpass a cabbage, which needs thorough chewing.
I guess people like me are more suited to eating salad than comprehending the information on the World Wide Web.


  1. I don't know that anyone understands the drastic alterations going on in the publishing industry! It's kinda frightening for me, but since I'm here, I've gotta muddle through ;o)

  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds that as soon as they think they've caught up, they find themselves at the back of the 'knowledge' queue again! LOL. Keeping up with current ifno is certainly a 'challenge' :-)

  3. I find it hard to keep up with all the technology changes. Sometimes I've gone to a website which purports to tell me the answer to something I've not been able to do, on my blog, or on FB or whatever. But when I've finished reading the advice or instructions, I'm like - what on earth does all that actually MEAN?

  4. Icebergs seem to be on everyone's mind these days. I think of people as icebergs, 92% is hidden from view.

    I grew up with iceberg lettuce and never even knew there were other varieties until I moved from the Canadian prairies out to the west coast. mmmmm iceberg lettuce w/grated carrots and thousand island dressing...maybe I'll have salad for breakfast.

    1. Icebergs have been on my mind too; but as a metaphor for the pain in my heart.
      I love iceberg lettuce even though it's really mostly just water.

      Mimi Torchia Boothby Watercolors

    2. Aparently, lettuce is VERY good for your health. Just like watermelon. Don't dismiss them because of the water content.

  5. Iceberg lettuce is my favorite variety - yummy!
    As for information- everything is changing so quickly. I don't know if it's even possible to always keep up.

  6. Your persistence will pay off! ....not a fan of iceberg lettuce, I always seem to get the ends when I order a salad at a restaurant!!

  7. I agree...it's so hard to keep up in our rapidly changing world.

  8. Technology makes my mind boggle everyday as something new comes along...I love Iceberg lettuce though especially the crunch :o) Happy A-Zing.

  9. a few years back when html was the main way to build a site (before blogs) I learned how to build a simple site. I only remember a fraction of it. I couldn't build a site now.

  10. I can sympathize. Nothing frustrates me more than trying to make my computer do something that it just doesn't seem to want to.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

  11. It is hard to keep up. I figured out how to do something very easy and very basic on my website the other day. It was ridiculously easy but I'm still proud of doing it!

  12. Consider all that you do on the internet or with the internet that you wouldn't have done (or couldn't have done) even 10 years ago or 20. I think you are much more accomplished than your posting today suggests. After all, you have successfully reached Day 9 with the A-Z Blogging Challenge. Persevere!

  13. I thought this was going to be about the Titanic for a minute. The funny think about iceberg lettuce (seeing as how we're discussing icebergs) is that they make me burp. I'm fine with all other varieties of lettuce and really can't understand this strange phenomenon. Did you know that lettuce is supposed to help you to sleep. It doesn't work with me... especially not if it's an iceberg lettuce!
    A to Z of Nostalgia


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