9 Jan 2013

January 9th

In an email yesterday, my sister reminded me of a time long ago when we were young teenagers. She remembered the sun slanting into the Glenelg kitchen in our family home built by our great-grandparents during the early days of colonization in South Australia. I'd hooked up a song onto repeat play--a device my wonderful Uncle Peter set up. Elvis Presley sang, 'Won't You Wear My Ring Around Your neck', over and over. She could picture me, full of joy, with my full skirt swishing as I spun round, dancing alone. Born on 8th January, 1935, Elvis was seven years older than I am. Our birth dates made me feel connected. The era heralded the emergence of power and revolt for teenagers.
Up until then, teenagers had tried to emulate women in decorum and dress. In the new era, we enjoyed our youth, threw away hats and gloves and wore full petticoats under circle skirts clinched in at the waist by tight belts.
I loved my time of youth and enjoyed bringing it out of storage to share with you. It's amazing that I've lived through so many changes. Leaving Australia behind 25 years ago, I now live in England.

Listen to Elvis singing Wear My Ring Around Your Neck:



  1. How fun that your sister brought back a great memory. That's what is cool about siblings. My sister is 10 years younger than me, so thank god she can remember stuff. You painted a great picture of a fun moment. Your daily posts are awesome. You have a fan!

  2. Happy Birthday! Great memories of youth and Elvis. :)


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